# classList and style

Some properties such as style or classList are objects and in these cases you can access to deep properties as methods.

# .classList

property / method name description
element.classList.length() Returns an integer representing the number of objects stored in the object..
element.classList.value() Returns or defines a string with the value of the list.
element.classList.item() Returns the item in the list by its index
or null if the index is greater than or equal to the list's length.
element.classList.contains() Returns true if the list contains the given token
otherwise false.
element.classList.add() Adds the specified tokens to the list.
element.classList.remove() Removes the specified tokens from the list.
element.classList.replace() Replaces the token with another one.
element.classList.supports() Returns true if the given token is in the associated attribute's supported tokens.
element.classList.toggle() Removes the token from the list if it exists
or adds it to the list if it doesn't. Returns a boolean indicating whether the token is in the list after the operation.
element.classList.entries() Returns an iterator
allowing you to go through all key/value pairs contained in this object.
element.classList.forEach() Executes a provided callback function once for each .classList element.
element.classList.keys() Returns an iterator
allowing you to go through all keys of the key/value pairs contained in this object.
element.classList.values() Returns an iterator
allowing you to go through all values of the key/value pairs contained in this object.
const svg = SVG().viewBox('0 0 100 100');

# .style

style is a special element because is an attribute and an object with properties. In this case you can use .style() to access as attribute and .style. to access its child properties.

The properties of the .style object are wrapped and its properties are now methods, but they cannot be chained, and you have to use .style explicitly in each call, since these methods return the main object and not the style object.

const svg = SVG().viewBox('0 0 100 100');


Many SVG attributes are visuals and can also be used as properties CSS so in Graphery SVG you can choose to use
.stroke_width() or .style.strokeWidth().

style property SVG attribute element
.style.cx() .cx() circle ellipse
.style.cy() .cy() circle ellipse
.style.height() .height() foreignObject image rect svg symbol use
.style.width() .width() foreignObject image rect svg symbol use
.style.x() .x() foreignObject image rect svg symbol use
.style.y() .y() foreignObject image rect svg symbol use
.style.r() .r() circle
.style.rx() .rx() ellipse rect
.style.ry() .ry() ellipse rect
.style.d() .d() path (with different syntax between style and property)
.style.fill() .fill() Any element except for animation
which have a different fill attribute.
.style.transform() .transform() The CSS transform and the SVG transform have different format
.style.alignmentBaseline() .alignment_baseline() Any element
.style.baselineShift() .baseline_shift() Any element
.style.clipPath() .clip_path() Any element
.style.clipRule() .clip_rule() Any element
.style.color() .color() Any element
.style.colorInterpolation() .color_interpolation() Any element
.style.colorInterpolationFilters() .color_interpolation_filters() Any element
.style.cursor() .cursor() Any element
.style.direction() .direction() Any element
.style.display() .display() Any element
.style.dominantBaseline() .dominant_baseline() Any element
.style.fillOpacity() .fill_opacity() Any element
.style.fillRule() .fill_rule() Any element
.style.filter() .filter() Any element
.style.floodColor() .flood_color() Any element
.style.floodOpacity() .flood_opacity() Any element
.style.fontFamily() .font_family() Any element
.style.fontSize() .font_size() Any element
.style.fontSizeAdjust() .font_size_adjust() Any element
.style.fontStretch() .font_stretch() Any element
.style.fontStyle() .font_style() Any element
.style.fontVariant() .font_variant() Any element
.style.fontWeight() .font_weight() Any element
.style.glyphOrientationHorizontal() .glyph_orientation_horizontal() Any element
.style.glyphOrientationVertical() .glyph_orientation_vertical() Any element
.style.imageRendering() .image_rendering() Any element
.style.letterSpacing() .letter_spacing() Any element
.style.lightingColor() .lighting_color() Any element
.style.markerEnd() .marker_end() Any element
.style.markerMid() .marker_mid() Any element
.style.markerStart() .marker_start() Any element
.style.mask() .mask() Any element
.style.maskType() .mask_type() Any element
.style.opacity() .opacity() Any element
.style.overflow() .overflow() Any element
.style.paintOrder() .paint_order() Any element
.style.pointerEvents() .pointer_events() Any element
.style.shapeRendering() .shape_rendering() Any element
.style.stopColor() .stop_color() Any element
.style.stopOpacity() .stop_opacity() Any element
.style.stroke() .stroke() Any element
.style.strokeDasharray() .stroke_dasharray() Any element
.style.strokeDashoffset() .stroke_dashoffset() Any element
.style.strokeLinecap() .stroke_linecap() Any element
.style.strokeLinejoin() .stroke_linejoin() Any element
.style.strokeMiterlimit() .stroke_miterlimit() Any element
.style.strokeOpacity() .stroke_opacity() Any element
.style.strokeWidth() .stroke_width() Any element
.style.textAnchor() .text_anchor() Any element
.style.textDecoration() .text_decoration() Any element
.style.textOverflow() .text_overflow() Any element
.style.textRendering() .text_rendering() Any element
.style.transformOrigin() .transform_origin() Any element
.style.unicodeBidi() .unicode_bidi() Any element
.style.vectorEffect() .vector_effect() Any element
.style.visibility() .visibility() Any element
.style.whiteSpace() .white_space() Any element
.style.wordSpacing() .word_spacing() Any element
.style.writingMode() .writing_mode() Any element