# Filter Primitives

# feBlend

The feBlend SVG filter primitive composes two objects together ruled by a certain blending mode. This is similar to what is known from image editing software when blending two layers. The mode is defined by the mode attribute.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# .in()

fe.in( filterPrimitive )

Set the in attribute. This attribute identifies input for the given filter primitive.

  • argument: {string} filterPrimitive must be 'SourceGraphic' | 'SourceAlpha' | 'BackgroundImage' | 'BackgroundAlpha' | 'FillPaint' | 'StrokePaint' | filter_primitive_reference

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const inFe = fe.in();

Get the in current value.

  • returns: {string} Current filter primitive input

# .in2()

fe.in2( filterPrimitive )

Set the in2 attribute identifies the second input for the given filter primitive. It works exactly like the .in() method.

  • argument: {string} filterPrimitive must be 'SourceGraphic' | 'SourceAlpha' | 'BackgroundImage' | 'BackgroundAlpha' | 'FillPaint' | 'StrokePaint' | filter_primitive_reference

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const inFe = fe.in2();

Get the in2 current value.

  • returns: {string} Current filter primitive input

# .mode()

feBlend.mode( mode )

Set the mode attribute defines the blending mode on the feBlend filter primitive.

  • argument: {string} mode A blend mode

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const mode = element.mode();

Get the mode current value.

  • returns: {string} Current blend mode

# feColorMatrix

The feColorMatrix SVG filter element changes colors based on a transformation matrix. Every pixel's color value [R,G,B,A] is matrix multiplied by a 5 by 5 color matrix to create new color [R',G',B',A'].

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# .in()

fe.in( filterPrimitive )

Set the in attribute. This attribute identifies input for the given filter primitive.

  • argument: {string} filterPrimitive must be 'SourceGraphic' | 'SourceAlpha' | 'BackgroundImage' | 'BackgroundAlpha' | 'FillPaint' | 'StrokePaint' | filter_primitive_reference

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const inFe = fe.in();

Get the in current value.

  • returns: {string} Current filter primitive input

# .type()

feColorMatrix.type( type )

Set the type attribute is a generic attribute, and it has different meaning based on the context in which it's used.

  • argument: {Array|string} type A full 5x4 matrix of values or a shortcuts

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const type = element.type();

Get the type current value.

  • returns: {Array|string}

# .values()

feColorMatrix.values( values )

Set the values attribute has different meanings, depending upon the context where it is used, either it defines an Array of values used over the course of an animation, or it is an Array of numbers for a color matrix, which is interpreted differently depending on the type of color change to be performed.

  • argument: {Array<number>|number} values The value is an Array of numbers or a number, which is interpreted differently depending on the value of the type attribute: For .type("matrix"),valuesis an Array of 20 values. For.type("saturate"),valuesis a single number value (0 to 1). Fortype("hueRotate"),valuesis a number value (degrees). Fortype("luminanceToAlpha"), values is not applicable.

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const values = element.values();

Get the values current value.

  • returns: {String} Current values separated by coma

# feComponentTransfer

The feComponentTransfer SVG filter primitive performs color-component-wise remapping of data for each pixel. It allows operations like brightness adjustment, contrast adjustment, color balance or thresholding.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# .in()

fe.in( filterPrimitive )

Set the in attribute. This attribute identifies input for the given filter primitive.

  • argument: {string} filterPrimitive must be 'SourceGraphic' | 'SourceAlpha' | 'BackgroundImage' | 'BackgroundAlpha' | 'FillPaint' | 'StrokePaint' | filter_primitive_reference

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const inFe = fe.in();

Get the in current value.

  • returns: {string} Current filter primitive input

# feComposite

The feComposite SVG filter primitive performs the combination of two input images pixel-wise in image space using one of the Porter-Duff compositing operations: over, in, atop, out, xor, and lighter. Additionally, a component-wise arithmetic operation (with the result clamped between [0..1]) can be applied.

The arithmetic operation is useful for combining the output from the feDiffuseLighting and feSpecularLighting filters with texture data. If the arithmetic operation is chosen, each result pixel is computed using the following formula:


This element implements the SVGFECompositeElement interface.

This image shows just the desired effect.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# .in()

fe.in( filterPrimitive )

Set the in attribute. This attribute identifies input for the given filter primitive.

  • argument: {string} filterPrimitive must be 'SourceGraphic' | 'SourceAlpha' | 'BackgroundImage' | 'BackgroundAlpha' | 'FillPaint' | 'StrokePaint' | filter_primitive_reference

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const inFe = fe.in();

Get the in current value.

  • returns: {string} Current filter primitive input

# .in2()

fe.in2( filterPrimitive )

Set the in2 attribute identifies the second input for the given filter primitive. It works exactly like the .in() method.

  • argument: {string} filterPrimitive must be 'SourceGraphic' | 'SourceAlpha' | 'BackgroundImage' | 'BackgroundAlpha' | 'FillPaint' | 'StrokePaint' | filter_primitive_reference

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const inFe = fe.in2();

Get the in2 current value.

  • returns: {string} Current filter primitive input

# .operator()

feComposite.operator( operator )

Set the operator attribute that defines the compositing operation to be performed.

  • argument: {string} operator Must be over | in | out | atop | xor | lighter | arithmetic

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const operator = element.operator();

Get the operator current value.

  • returns: {string}

# .k1()

feComposite.k1( k1 )

Set the k1 attribute defines one of the values to be used within the arithmetic operation of the feComposite filter primitive.

  • argument: {number} k1 Value used for calculating the composition

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const k1 = element.k1();

Get the k1 current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .k2()

feComposite.k2( k3 )

Set the k2 attribute defines one of the values to be used within the arithmetic operation of the feComposite filter primitive.

  • argument: {number} k2 Value used for calculating the composition

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const k2 = element.k2();

Get the k2 current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .k3()

feComposite.k3( k4 )

Set the k3 attribute defines one of the values to be used within the arithmetic operation of the feComposite filter primitive.

  • argument: {number} k3 Value used for calculating the composition

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const k3 = element.k3();

Get the k3 current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .k4()

feComposite.k4( k4 )

Set the k4 attribute defines one of the values to be used within the arithmetic operation of the feComposite filter primitive.

  • argument: {number} k4 Value used for calculating the composition

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const k4 = element.k4();

Get the k4 current value.

  • returns: {number}

# feConvolveMatrix

The feConvolveMatrix SVG filter primitive applies a matrix convolution filter effect. A convolution combines pixels in the input image with neighboring pixels to produce a resulting image. A wide variety of imaging operations can be achieved through convolutions, including blurring, edge detection, sharpening, embossing and beveling.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# .in()

fe.in( filterPrimitive )

Set the in attribute. This attribute identifies input for the given filter primitive.

  • argument: {string} filterPrimitive must be 'SourceGraphic' | 'SourceAlpha' | 'BackgroundImage' | 'BackgroundAlpha' | 'FillPaint' | 'StrokePaint' | filter_primitive_reference

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const inFe = fe.in();

Get the in current value.

  • returns: {string} Current filter primitive input

# .order()

feConvolveMatrix.order( order )

Set the order attribute indicates the size of the matrix to be used by a feConvolveMatrix element.

  • argument: {number} order The order value

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const order = element.order();

Get the order current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .kernelMatrix()

feConvolveMatrix.kernelMatrix( list )

Set the kernelMatrix attribute defines the list of numbers that make up the kernel matrix for the feConvolveMatrix element.

  • argument: {Array|string} list The list of values

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const kernelMatrix = element.kernelMatrix();

Get the kernelMatrix current value.

  • returns: {Array|string}

# .divisor()

feConvolveMatrix.divisor( divisor )

Set the divisor attribute specifies the value by which the resulting number of applying the kernelMatrix of a feConvolveMatrix element to the input image color value is divided to yield the destination color value. A divisor that is the sum of all the matrix values tends to have an evening effect on the overall color intensity of the result.

  • argument: {number} divisor The divisor to apply to the kernelMatrix

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const divisor = element.divisor();

Get the divisor current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .bias()

feConvolveMatrix.bias( bias )

Set the bias attribute shifts the range of the filter. After applying the kernelMatrix of the feConvolveMatrix element to the input image to yield a number and applied the divisor attribute, the bias attribute is added to each component. This allows representation of values that would otherwise be clamped to 0 or 1.

  • argument: {number} bias The bias value to add

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const bias = element.bias();

Get the bias current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .targetX()

feConvolveMatrix.targetX( x )

Set the targetX attribute determines the positioning in horizontal direction of the convolution matrix relative to a given target pixel in the input image. The leftmost column of the matrix is column number zero. The value must be such that: 0 <=targetX< orderX.

  • argument: {number} x This value indicates the positioning in horizontal direction of the convolution matrix relative to a given target pixel in the input image

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const targetX = element.targetX();

Get the targetX current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .targetY()

feConvolveMatrix.targetY( Y )

Set the targetY attribute determines the positioning in vertical direction of the convolution matrix relative to a given target pixel in the input image. The topmost row of the matrix is row number zero. The value must be such that: 0 <=targetY< orderY.

  • argument: {number} Y This value indicates the positioning in vertical direction of the convolution matrix relative to a given target pixel in the input image.

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const targetY = element.targetY();

Get the targetY current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .edgeMode()

feConvolveMatrix.edgeMode( mode )

Set the edgeMode attribute determines how to extend the input image as necessary with color values so that the matrix operations can be applied when the kernel is positioned at or near the edge of the input image.

  • argument: {string} mode Must be duplicate | wrap | none

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const edgeMode = element.edgeMode();

Get the edgeMode current value.

  • returns: {string}

# .preserveAlpha()

feConvolveMatrix.preserveAlpha( alpha )

Set the preserveAlpha attribute indicates how a feConvolveMatrix element handled alpha transparency.

  • argument: {boolean} alpha true indicates that the convolution will only apply to the color channels, false indicates that the convolution will apply to all channels

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const preserveAlpha = element.preserveAlpha();

Get the preserveAlpha current value.

  • returns: {boolean}

# feDiffuseLighting

The feDiffuseLighting SVG filter primitive lights an image using the alpha channel as a bump map. The resulting image, which is an RGBA opaque image, depends on the light color, light position and surface geometry of the input bump map.

The light map produced by this filter primitive can be combined with a texture image using the multiply term of the arithmetic operator of the feComposite filter primitive. Multiple light sources can be simulated by adding several of these light maps together before applying it to the texture image.

This element implements the SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement interface.

The following example show the effect of the feDiffuseLighting element on a circle with each light source available. Each time, the light comes from the upper left corner.

Expected rendering:

Live rendering:

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# .in()

fe.in( filterPrimitive )

Set the in attribute. This attribute identifies input for the given filter primitive.

  • argument: {string} filterPrimitive must be 'SourceGraphic' | 'SourceAlpha' | 'BackgroundImage' | 'BackgroundAlpha' | 'FillPaint' | 'StrokePaint' | filter_primitive_reference

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const inFe = fe.in();

Get the in current value.

  • returns: {string} Current filter primitive input

# .surfaceScale()

feDiffuseLighting.surfaceScale( surface )

Set the surfaceScale attribute represents the height of the surface for a light filter primitive.

  • argument: {number} surface This value defines the height of the surface

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const surfaceScale = element.surfaceScale();

Get the surfaceScale current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .diffuseConstant()

feDiffuseLighting.diffuseConstant( constant )

Set the diffuseConstant attribute represents the kd value in the Phong lighting model. In SVG, this can be any non-negative number.

  • argument: {number} constant

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const diffuseConstant = element.diffuseConstant();

Get the diffuseConstant current value.

  • returns: {number}

# feDisplacementMap

The feDisplacementMap SVG filter primitive uses the pixel values from the image from in2 to spatially displace the image from in.

The formula for the transformation looks like this:

P'(x,y) ← P( x + scale * (XC(x,y) - 0.5), y + scale * (YC(x,y) - 0.5))

where P(x,y) is the input image, in, and P'(x,y) is the destination. XC(x,y) and YC(x,y) are the component values of the channel designated by xChannelSelector and yChannelSelector.

This element implements the SVGFEDisplacementMapElement interface.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# .in()

fe.in( filterPrimitive )

Set the in attribute. This attribute identifies input for the given filter primitive.

  • argument: {string} filterPrimitive must be 'SourceGraphic' | 'SourceAlpha' | 'BackgroundImage' | 'BackgroundAlpha' | 'FillPaint' | 'StrokePaint' | filter_primitive_reference

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const inFe = fe.in();

Get the in current value.

  • returns: {string} Current filter primitive input

# .in2()

fe.in2( filterPrimitive )

Set the in2 attribute identifies the second input for the given filter primitive. It works exactly like the .in() method.

  • argument: {string} filterPrimitive must be 'SourceGraphic' | 'SourceAlpha' | 'BackgroundImage' | 'BackgroundAlpha' | 'FillPaint' | 'StrokePaint' | filter_primitive_reference

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const inFe = fe.in2();

Get the in2 current value.

  • returns: {string} Current filter primitive input

# .scale()

feDisplacementMap.scale( scale )

Set the scale attribute defines the displacement scale factor to be used on a feDisplacementMap filter primitive. The amount is expressed in the coordinate system established by the primitiveUnits attribute on the filter element.

  • argument: {number} scale The scale factor for the displacement.

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const scale = element.scale();

Get the scale current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .xChannelSelector()

feDisplacementMap.xChannelSelector( selector )

Set the xChannelSelector attribute indicates which color channel from in2 to use to displace the pixels in in along the x-axis.

  • argument: {string} selector Must be R | G | B | A

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const xChannelSelector = element.xChannelSelector();

Get the xChannelSelector current value.

  • returns: {string}

# .yChannelSelector()

feDisplacementMap.yChannelSelector( selector )

Set the yChannelSelector attribute indicates which color channel from in2 to use to displace the pixels in in along the y-axis.

  • argument: {string} selector Must be R | G | B | A

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const yChannelSelector = element.yChannelSelector();

Get the yChannelSelector current value.

  • returns: {string}

# feDistantLight

The feDistantLight filter primitive defines a distant light source that can be used within a lighting filter primitive: feDiffuseLighting or feSpecularLighting.

This element implements the SVGFEDistantLightElement interface.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# .azimuth()

feDistantLight.azimuth( azimuth )

Set the azimuth attribute specifies the direction angle for the light source on the XY plane (clockwise), in degrees from the x axis.

  • argument: {number} azimuth The direction angle for the light source

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const azimuth = element.azimuth();

Get the azimuth current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .elevation()

feDistantLight.elevation( elevation )

Set the elevation attribute specifies the direction angle for the light source from the XY plane towards the Z-axis, in degrees. Note that the positive Z-axis points towards the viewer of the content.

  • argument: {number} elevation The direction angle for the light source

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const elevation = element.elevation();

Get the elevation current value.

  • returns: {number}

# feDropShadow

The SVG feDropShadow filter primitive creates a drop shadow of the input image. It can only be used inside a filter element.

The drop shadow color and opacity can be changed by using the flood-color and flood-opacity presentation attributes.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# .dx()

feDropShadow.dx( x )

Set this attribute defines the x offset of the drop shadow.

  • argument: {number} x The direction angle for the light source

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const dx = element.dx();

Get the dx current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .dy()

feDropShadow.dy( y )

Set this attribute defines the y offset of the drop shadow.

  • argument: {number} y The direction angle for the light source

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const dy = element.dy();

Get the dy current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .stdDeviation()

feDropShadow.stdDeviation( deviation )

Set this attribute defines the standard deviation for the blur operation in the drop shadow.

  • argument: {number} deviation The standard deviation for the blur

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const stdDeviation = element.stdDeviation();

Get the stdDeviation current value.

  • returns: {number}

# feFlood

The feFlood SVG filter primitive fills the filter subregion with the color and opacity defined by flood-color and flood-opacity.

This element implements the SVGFEFloodElement interface.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# .flood-color()

feFlood.flood_color( color )

Set the flood-color attribute indicates what color to use to flood the current filter primitive subregion.

  • argument: {string} color The color value

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const flood_color = element.flood_color();

Get the flood-color current value.

  • returns: {string}

# .flood-opacity()

feFlood.flood_opacity( alpha )

Set the flood-opacity attribute indicates the opacity value to use across the current filter primitive subregion.

  • argument: {number|string} alpha The value must be a number of 0 or a percentage

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const flood_opacity = element.flood_opacity();

Get the flood-opacity current value.

  • returns: {number|string}}

# feFuncA

The feFuncA SVG filter primitive defines the transfer function for the alpha component of the input graphic of its parent feComponentTransfer element.


This element implements the SVGFEFuncAElement interface.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# feFuncB

The feFuncB SVG filter primitive defines the transfer function for the blue component of the input graphic of its parent feComponentTransfer element.


This element implements the SVGFEFuncBElement interface.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# feFuncG

The feFuncG SVG filter primitive defines the transfer function for the green component of the input graphic of its parent feComponentTransfer element.


This element implements the SVGFEFuncGElement interface.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# feFuncR

The feFuncR SVG filter primitive defines the transfer function for the red component of the input graphic of its parent feComponentTransfer element.


This element implements the SVGFEFuncRElement interface.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# feGaussianBlur

The feGaussianBlur SVG filter primitive blurs the input image by the amount specified in stdDeviation, which defines the bell-curve.

This element implements the SVGFEGaussianBlurElement interface.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# .class()

feGaussianBlur.class( name )

Set assigns a class name or set of class names to an element. You may assign the same class name or names to any number of elements, however, multiple class names must be separated by whitespace characters.

  • argument: {string} name The class name

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const klass = element.class();

Get the class current value.

  • returns: {string}

# .style()

const style = element.style();

Get the style current value.

  • returns: {string}

# .in()

fe.in( filterPrimitive )

Set the in attribute. This attribute identifies input for the given filter primitive.

  • argument: {string} filterPrimitive must be 'SourceGraphic' | 'SourceAlpha' | 'BackgroundImage' | 'BackgroundAlpha' | 'FillPaint' | 'StrokePaint' | filter_primitive_reference

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const inFe = fe.in();

Get the in current value.

  • returns: {string} Current filter primitive input

# .stdDeviation()

feGaussianBlur.stdDeviation( deviation )

Set the stdDeviation attribute defines the standard deviation for the blur operation.

  • argument: {number} deviation The standard deviation for the blur

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const stdDeviation = element.stdDeviation();

Get the stdDeviation current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .edgeMode()

feGaussianBlur.edgeMode( mode )

Set the edgeMode attribute determines how to extend the input image as necessary with color values so that the matrix operations can be applied when the kernel is positioned at or near the edge of the input image.

  • argument: {string} mode Must be duplicate | wrap | none

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const edgeMode = element.edgeMode();

Get the edgeMode current value.

  • returns: {string}

# feImage

The feImage SVG filter primitive fetches image data from an external source and provides the pixel data as output (meaning if the external source is an SVG image, it is rasterized.)

This element implements the SVGFEImageElement interface.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# .preserveAspectRatio()

feImage.preserveAspectRatio( ratio )

Set the preserveAspectRatio attribute indicates how an element with a viewBox providing a given aspect ratio must fit into a viewport with a different aspect ratio.

  • argument: {string} ratio Must be none or a combination of these values: xMin, xMax, YMin and YMax

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const preserveAspectRatio = element.preserveAspectRatio();

Get the preserveAspectRatio current value.

  • returns: {string}

# feMerge

The feMerge SVG element allows filter effects to be applied concurrently instead of sequentially. This is achieved by other filters storing their output via the result attribute and then accessing it in a feMergeNode child.


This element implements the SVGFEMergeElement interface.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# feMergeNode

The feMergeNode takes the result of another filter to be processed by its parent feMerge.

This element implements the SVGFEMergeNodeElement interface.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# .in()

fe.in( filterPrimitive )

Set the in attribute. This attribute identifies input for the given filter primitive.

  • argument: {string} filterPrimitive must be 'SourceGraphic' | 'SourceAlpha' | 'BackgroundImage' | 'BackgroundAlpha' | 'FillPaint' | 'StrokePaint' | filter_primitive_reference

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const inFe = fe.in();

Get the in current value.

  • returns: {string} Current filter primitive input

# feMorphology

The feMorphology SVG filter primitive is used to erode or dilate the input image. Its usefulness lies especially in fattening or thinning effects.

This element implements the SVGFEMorphologyElement interface.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# .in()

fe.in( filterPrimitive )

Set the in attribute. This attribute identifies input for the given filter primitive.

  • argument: {string} filterPrimitive must be 'SourceGraphic' | 'SourceAlpha' | 'BackgroundImage' | 'BackgroundAlpha' | 'FillPaint' | 'StrokePaint' | filter_primitive_reference

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const inFe = fe.in();

Get the in current value.

  • returns: {string} Current filter primitive input

# .operator()

feMorphology.operator( operator )

Set the operator attribute as two meanings based on the context it is used in. Either it defines the compositing or morphing operation to be performed.

  • argument: {string} operator Must be erode | dilate

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const operator = element.operator();

Get the operator current value.

  • returns: {string}

# .radius()

feMorphology.radius( radius )

Set the radius attribute represents the radius (or radii) for the operation on a given feMorphology filter primitive.

  • argument: {number} radius The radius value

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const radius = element.radius();

Get the radius current value.

  • returns: {number}

# feOffset

The feOffset SVG filter primitive allows to offset the input image. The input image as a whole is offset by the values specified in the dx and dy attributes.

This element implements the SVGFEOffsetElement interface.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# .in()

fe.in( filterPrimitive )

Set the in attribute. This attribute identifies input for the given filter primitive.

  • argument: {string} filterPrimitive must be 'SourceGraphic' | 'SourceAlpha' | 'BackgroundImage' | 'BackgroundAlpha' | 'FillPaint' | 'StrokePaint' | filter_primitive_reference

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const inFe = fe.in();

Get the in current value.

  • returns: {string} Current filter primitive input

# .dx()

feOffset.dx( x )

Set the dx attribute indicates a shift along the x-axis on the position of an element or its content.

  • argument: {number} x The x value

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const dx = element.dx();

Get the dx current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .dy()

feOffset.dy( y )

Set the dy attribute indicates a shift along the y-axis on the position of an element or its content.

  • argument: {number} y The y value

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const dy = element.dy();

Get the dy current value.

  • returns: {number}

# fePointLight

The fePointLight filter primitive defines a light source which allows to create a point light effect. It that can be used within a lighting filter primitive: feDiffuseLighting or feSpecularLighting.

This element implements the SVGFEPointLightElement interface.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# .x()

fePointLight.x( x )

Set the x attribute defines a x-axis coordinate in the user coordinate system.

  • argument: {number} x The x value

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const x = element.x();

Get the x current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .y()

fePointLight.y( y )

Set the y attribute defines a y-axis coordinate in the user coordinate system.

  • argument: {number} y The y value

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const y = element.y();

Get the y current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .z()

fePointLight.z( z )

Set the z attribute defines the location along the z-axis for a light source in the coordinate system established by the primitiveUnits attribute on the filter element, assuming that, in the initial coordinate system, the positive z-axis comes out towards the person viewing the content and assuming that one unit along the z-axis equals one unit in x and y.

  • argument: {number} z The z value

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const z = element.z();

Get the z current value.

  • returns: {number}

# feSpecularLighting

The feSpecularLighting SVG filter primitive lights a source graphic using the alpha channel as a bump map. The resulting image is an RGBA image based on the light color. The lighting calculation follows the standard specular component of the Phong lighting model. The resulting image depends on the light color, light position and surface geometry of the input bump map. The result of the lighting calculation is added. The filter primitive assumes that the viewer is at infinity in the z direction.

This filter primitive produces an image which contains the specular reflection part of the lighting calculation. Such a map is intended to be combined with a texture using the add term of the arithmetic feComposite method. Multiple light sources can be simulated by adding several of these light maps before applying it to the texture image.

This element implements the SVGFESpecularLightingElement interface.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# .in()

fe.in( filterPrimitive )

Set the in attribute. This attribute identifies input for the given filter primitive.

  • argument: {string} filterPrimitive must be 'SourceGraphic' | 'SourceAlpha' | 'BackgroundImage' | 'BackgroundAlpha' | 'FillPaint' | 'StrokePaint' | filter_primitive_reference

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const inFe = fe.in();

Get the in current value.

  • returns: {string} Current filter primitive input

# .surfaceScale()

feSpecularLighting.surfaceScale( surface )

Set the surfaceScale attribute represents the height of the surface for a light filter primitive.

  • argument: {number} surface This value defines the height of the surface

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const surfaceScale = element.surfaceScale();

Get the surfaceScale current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .specularConstant()

feSpecularLighting.specularConstant( reflection )

Set the specularConstant attribute controls the ratio of reflection of the specular lighting. It represents the ks value in the Phong lighting model. The bigger the value the stronger the reflection.

  • argument: {number} reflection The ratio of reflection

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const specularConstant = element.specularConstant();

Get the specularConstant current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .specularExponent()

feSpecularLighting.specularExponent( exponent  )

Set the specularExponent attribute controls the focus for the light source. The bigger the value the brighter the light.

  • argument: {number} exponent The value for the specular term

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const specularExponent = element.specularExponent();

Get the specularExponent current value.

  • returns: {number}

# feSpotLight

The feSpotLight SVG filter primitive defines a light source which allows to create a spotlight effect. It that can be used within a lighting filter primitive: feDiffuseLighting or feSpecularLighting.

This element implements the SVGFESpotLightElement interface.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# .x()

feSpotLight.x( x )

Set the x attribute defines a x-axis coordinate in the user coordinate system.

  • argument: {number} x The x location for the light source

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const x = element.x();

Get the x current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .y()

feSpotLight.y( y )

Set the y attribute defines a y-axis coordinate in the user coordinate system.

  • argument: {number} y The y location for the light source

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const y = element.y();

Get the y current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .z()

feSpotLight.z( z )

Set the z attribute defines the location along the z-axis for a light source in the coordinate system established by the primitiveUnits attribute on the filter element, assuming that, in the initial coordinate system, the positive z-axis comes out towards the person viewing the content and assuming that one unit along the z-axis equals one unit in x and y.

  • argument: {number} z The z location for the light source

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const z = element.z();

Get the z current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .pointsAtX()

feSpotLight.pointsAtX( x )

Set the pointsAtX attribute represents the x location in the coordinate system established by attribute primitiveUnits on the filter element of the point at which the light source is pointing.

  • argument: {number} x The x value

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const pointsAtX = element.pointsAtX();

Get the pointsAtX current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .pointsAtY()

feSpotLight.pointsAtY( y )

Set the pointsAtY attribute represents the y location in the coordinate system established by attribute primitiveUnits on the filter element of the point at which the light source is pointing.

  • argument: {number} y The y value

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const pointsAtY = element.pointsAtY();

Get the pointsAtY current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .pointsAtZ()

feSpotLight.pointsAtZ( z )

Set the pointsAtZ attribute represents the y location in the coordinate system established by attribute primitiveUnits on the filter element of the point at which the light source is pointing, assuming that, in the initial local coordinate system, the positive z-axis comes out towards the person viewing the content and assuming that one unit along the z-axis equals one unit in x and y.

  • argument: {number} z The z value

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const pointsAtZ = element.pointsAtZ();

Get the pointsAtZ current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .specularExponent()

feSpotLight.specularExponent( exponent )

Set the specularExponent attribute controls the focus for the light source. The bigger the value the brighter the light.

  • argument: {number} exponent The exponent value

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const specularExponent = element.specularExponent();

Get the specularExponent current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .limitingConeAngle()

feSpotLight.limitingConeAngle( angle )

Set the limitingConeAngle attribute represents the angle in degrees between the spotlight axis (i.e. the axis between the light source and the point to which it is pointing at) and the spotlight cone. So it defines a limiting cone which restricts the region where the light is projected. No light is projected outside the cone.

  • argument: {number} angle The angle value

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const limitingConeAngle = element.limitingConeAngle();

Get the limitingConeAngle current value.

  • returns: {number}

# feTile

The feTile SVG filter primitive allows to fill a target rectangle with a repeated, tiled pattern of an input image. The effect is similar to the one of a pattern.

This element implements the SVGFETileElement interface.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# .in()

fe.in( filterPrimitive )

Set the in attribute. This attribute identifies input for the given filter primitive.

  • argument: {string} filterPrimitive must be 'SourceGraphic' | 'SourceAlpha' | 'BackgroundImage' | 'BackgroundAlpha' | 'FillPaint' | 'StrokePaint' | filter_primitive_reference

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const inFe = fe.in();

Get the in current value.

  • returns: {string} Current filter primitive input

# feTurbulence

The feTurbulence SVG filter primitive creates an image using the Perlin turbulence function. It allows the synthesis of artificial textures like clouds or marble. The resulting image will fill the entire filter primitive subregion.

This element implements the SVGFETurbulenceElement interface.

More info: mdn (opens new window) | w3c (opens new window)

# .baseFrequency()

feTurbulence.baseFrequency( frequency  )

Set the baseFrequency attribute represents the base frequency parameter for the noise function of the feTurbulence filter primitive.

  • argument: {number} frequency The frequency value

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const baseFrequency = element.baseFrequency();

Get the baseFrequency current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .numOctaves()

feTurbulence.numOctaves( octaves )

Set the numOctaves attribute defines the number of octaves for the noise function of the feTurbulence primitive.

  • argument: {number} octaves The octaves value

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const numOctaves = element.numOctaves();

Get the numOctaves current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .seed()

feTurbulence.seed( seed )

Set the seed attribute represents the starting number for the pseudo random number generator of the feTurbulence filter primitive.

  • argument: {number} seed The seed value

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const seed = element.seed();

Get the seed current value.

  • returns: {number}

# .stitchTiles()

feTurbulence.stitchTiles( stitch )

Set the stitchTiles attribute defines how the Perlin Noise tiles behave at the border.

  • argument: {string} stitch Must be noStitch | stitch

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const stitchTiles = element.stitchTiles();

Get the stitchTiles current value.

  • returns: {string}

# .type()

feTurbulence.type( type )

Set the type attribute is a generic attribute, and it has different meaning based on the context in which it's used.

  • argument: {string} type Must be fractalNoise | turbulence

  • returns: {gySVGObject} The original object

const type = element.type();

Get the type current value.

  • returns: {string}