# Load

# From CDN

# Import module

The easiest way to use Graphery SVG library is to import it as an ES module from our CDN service:

import gySVG from 'https://cdn.graphery.online/svg/1.0.0/module/index.js';

# script source

Another way, very easy too, is to load the script version from our CDN with a tag <script>:

<script src="https://cdn.graphery.online/svg/1.0.0/script/index.js"></script>;

# Understanding the URL from CDN

This is the detailed description about CDN URL:

    |            |            |    |      |       |------> file name
    |            |            |    |      |--------------> 'module' or 'script' mode
    |            |            |    |---------------------> version
    |            |            |--------------------------> library name
    |            |---------------------------------------> CDN domain
    |----------------------------------------------------> protocol (please, use 'https')

# Install locally with NPM

See https://www.npmjs.com/package/@graphery/svg (opens new window).

You can install the Graphery SVG library locally by NPM:

npm install @graphery/svg

If you have installed locally, you need to reference node_modules/@graphery/svg and use this code for import.

import SVG from './node_modules/@graphery/svg/index.js';

or as script with

<script src="./node_modules/@graphery/svg/script/index.js"></script>

If you use Webpack or other loaders, you may be able to omit the node_modules folder in these calls.