# fractal tree

This fractal tree is built entirely with the Graphery SVG library, and it is animated with the sequence plugin.

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We will now explain step by step how to create a dynamic SVG of this type.

# Imports

The first step, if we haven't already done so, is to load the Graphery SVG library, Helpers plugin and Sequence Plugin. In our case, we have chosen to include the code within a script type=module and we will use the import expression. The plugins must be applied with gySVG.extend().

    see: load gySVG | Sequence Plugin

    # Create the SVG

    To create the graph we are going to use gySVG() and we are going to configure the viewBox.

    const svg = gySVG().viewBox(0, 0, 600, 600).width(400).height(400);

    # Create the Sequence object

    For build the animations, we will use the Sequence object created with svg.Seq():

    const seq = svg.Seq();

    # Create the tree

    We have written a function to create the fractal tree, this function creates a branch and divides it into two more branches with 16 degrees and 20% less length.

    (function drawBranch (startX = 300, startY = 600, len = 120, angle = 0, remain = 10, delay = 0) {
      const {x: endX, y: endY} = gySVG.polar2cartesian(startX, startY, len, angle);
      const duration           = 600;
      const element            = svg.add('line')
      seq.add(element, {x2: endX, y2: endY}, {delay, duration});
      if (remain) {
        drawBranch(endX, endY, len * 0.8, angle - 16, remain - 1, delay + duration);
        drawBranch(endX, endY, len * 0.8, angle + 16, remain - 1, delay + duration);

    We had used seq.add() for include the animation and run the animation sequence with seq.play().

    # The complete code

    If we put all these steps together this is the example's code:

    import gySVG    from 'https://cdn.graphery.online/svg/1.0.0/module/index.js';
    import helpers  from "https://cdn.graphery.online/svg/1.0.0/module/helpers.plugin.js";
    import sequence from "https://cdn.graphery.online/svg/1.0.0/module/sequence.plugin.js";
    const svg = gySVG().viewBox(0, 0, 600, 600).width(400).height(400);
    const seq = svg.Seq();
    (function drawBranch (startX = 300, startY = 600, len = 120, angle = 0, remain = 10, delay = 0) {
      const duration           = 600;
      const {x: endX, y: endY} = gySVG.polar2cartesian(startX, startY, len, angle);
      const element            = svg.add('line')
      seq.add(element, {x2: endX, y2: endY}, {delay, duration});
      if (remain) {
        drawBranch(endX, endY, len * 0.8, angle - 16, remain - 1, delay + duration);
        drawBranch(endX, endY, len * 0.8, angle + 16, remain - 1, delay + duration);